Do you feel like you still look pregnant even though your baby is 4-6 months or older?

THERE. IS. HELP.… and it does not come in the form of fad diets, crazy calorie restriction, or ab exercises that are too difficult anyway. Up until pregnancy we are taught to think that dieting to lose weight, or buying the latest piece of exercise equipment is always the answer to changing how we look. At the same time, most women have never had to think twice about their pelvic floor, healing from injury (yes, birth falls into that category), or rebuilding basic strength from scratch. Therefore, the postpartum learning curve when it comes to proper healing is steep and cannot be overlooked. Too many women skip over the core rehab phase completely, and dieting is a substitution that will never yield the desired results.


Are you exercising but not feeling like your strength is where it should be by now postpartum?